Home / News / Deadly chemicals pour into Russian river after truck crash which kills driver

Deadly chemicals pour into Russian river after truck crash which kills driver

Sep 26, 2023Sep 26, 2023

A truck with a large load of dangerous chemicals fell into the Khor River in the Primorsky Territory of Russia. The spillage took place after an accident with an SUV, in which the driver of the truck died.

Seventeen tons of deadly isocyanate reversed into the river, the Ministry of Emergency Situations in the region reported.

The duty officer said: "About 70 barrels of chemicals were transported in a heavy truck. Each of them was 300 litres. While they found only one, the rest sailed away."

He added that the passenger of the truck was rescued out of the water.

Her husband, the truck driver, died.

Rosprirodnadzor confirmed that isocyanate, a raw material for the manufacture of polyurethanes, was being transported by the truck.

The authorities said: "It is used for the manufacture of paints and varnishes.

"It is deadly - burns and chemical poisoning are possible with unprotected contact. Personal protective equipment is always used when working with it. Presumably, it is what ended up in the reservoir, experts will take samples."

The Ministry of Internal Affairs of the region reported that the accident occurred in the Lazo area at the 77th kilometre of the A-370 Ussuri highway.

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The SUV was driving in the opposite lane and did not keep the distance.

The regional Ministry of Internal Affairs said: "Eyewitnesses reported that the driver of the Lexus was drunk. He fled the scene of an accident and has not yet been caught."

The police detained the passenger of the SUV.

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